Bishop O. Reid, also known as "Bishop Ball of Fire" is the senior pastor of Harvest Army God’s Revival Arena in Brooklyn, New York. He is married to Pastor Guerline Reid, and together they have three children. Bishop O. Reid is an executive member of the Harvest Army Church International, an international ministry with over 200 branches and affiliates worldwide. He is also the Executive Educator leading Biblical education and serving as the President of the Harvest Army International Seminary. Bishop O. Reid holds a Bachelor in Biblical Studies and Leadership from Beulah Heights University, a Masters of Arts in Education from Mercy College, and has completed Post-Graduate studies in Christian Education at Regent University. He has a passion for seeing every believer embrace their calling and purpose to the fullest extent. Several of his articles on Christian living, marriage, and revival have been published online. He is the author of two books, Creating Unbreakable Bonds and No More Whacky Worship.