God’s Words to Man by Jesus the Word.If any Man thinks that he Knoweth anything, He Knoweth Nothing as He ought to Know-1Corin. 8:2-3.Did Jesus Really say what is in Red Today Religions and Governments has screw up All of Humanity Brain, by Logic=Prov. 3:5-7, Not by Reason=Isaiah 1:18, each in its own way. Mark 12:14-17.How the words of Jesus came to be.True teaching is not an Accumulation of Knowledge, but it will Awake your God=Energy=Jesus the Words of Truth, that has been within you since Birth= Psalm 139:13-22.First Four Hundred Years of Christianity.Truth only Come from God to You, and Only You, when you do things God’s way, in Spirt=LOVE and TRUTH=John 4:21-26. Today Christianity by the, Book=Bible.Jesus said SEEK and THOU SHALL FIND.Man’s Words to God, by Theology and Doctrine.Belief is Not FAITH, and FAITH=Hebrews 11:1 is Not Belief.This Book is Base on Romans 3:4, By Man’s Theology and Doctrine=John 8:44 by 2Corin. 11:13-15. of God, Yaldabaoth Word’s, and God’s words by Jesus the Word=John 14:6=17:17 and Eph. 5:26-27.2Corin.3:6, not by letters of Man=Romans 3:4=Death, But by the Spiritual Words of God=John 14:6=1John 2:27 For Eternal Life.