When sixteen-year-old JJ O'Malley meets the Fedore brothers, life and everything she has ever known changes forever; family secrets are revealed, make believe becomes real, blood is liquid gold and knowledge could cost her life. JJ runs from the present only to find she's plunging into the past and getting lost in a battle of good versus evil. Unknowingly, JJ was born with an ancient healing anitdote, and learns that her blood is the redemption for one lost soul, causing vampires to hunt her.
Caught inside a whirlwind of love, bloodlust and ancient lies, JJ finds her undoing in the arms of a very old vampire. Falling in love with the immortal she has unknowingly started a chain of events which slowly tips the worlds balance between good and evil, costing her the only person in the world and being betrayed by the one she trusts the most. Running from the present she slams into the past and an unknown future.