Do you have an idea for a product or service, but have little money and no clue how to create a business?
Have an offering that isn’t selling much, and you’d like to get more traction from your marketing efforts?Lean Startup Marketing (Workbook 1) teaches the RAF Marketing Method of turning ideas into products and services of value, for profit. This three-step process gives you practical, doable steps to create and build a sustainable business, and get the greatest response on your marketing efforts, at launch, and beyond. Bestselling author, and Stanford marketing educator, J. Cafesin, takes you on the journey of your professional career-creating your own business-from idea through launch, at little to no cost. LSM Workshop 1: PRODUCTIZATION, is the process of validating your idea, proving your potential offering will SELL before you build it. Neglect to productize your offerings, and at best, your marketing efforts will get little traction. At worst, ignoring Productization leads to startup failure. Productization must happen before BRANDING (Workbook 2). Implementing the steps of Productization, in order, allows you to produce tightly targeted marketing campaigns that motivate viewers to click, try, and BUY your products and services.- MBA to marketing novice, Workshop 1: PRODUCTIZATION provides all the marketing you’ll ever need to know to become proficient at marketing...anything.
- Create Productization Lists filled with content to use in your branding, marketing, and ad campaigns throughout the life-cycle of your business
- Identify Target Markets and Users who will likely buy your new offering.
- Construct an Elevator Pitch to succinctly chat up your new venture.
- Perform Competitive Analysis, and find differentiators that make your offering unique
- Choose an effective Profit Model to make money on your offering
- Project Horizontal and Vertical markets for current and future offerings.
LSM is not marketing theory, or just famous entrepreneurs’ stories. Each workbook, filled with slides, challenges, and projects, is a step-by-step guide you’ll refer to again and again, to ensure you are on the proper path to building a thriving business. The LSM series provides specific, low-budget, actionable steps for marketing your offerings, to sell directly [as a licensing agreement], or to launch your first offering as a profitable startup. It’s time to become your own CEO and create a career you love!