When a desire for greater magics becomes a betrayal and pursuit, what happens when the hunter finally catches up to the quarry?
As a child, Alorsha dreamed that she might one day work magic, a dream she had in common with her dearest friend Jarthan. Delighted when their hopes became a reality, and together with their new friend Devrand, they worked to perfect and strengthen their magic, eventually dabbling in unsanctioned methods to gain even more magic. When a strange magic imperils the kingdom, the three mages are called upon to face the threat. But something goes dreadfully wrong, transforming them into hunted, captive, and hunter. Through magical portals with an enchanted ship, the ensuing worlds-spanning chase trails upheaval in its wake and ensnares others in transit. This last book of The Deliberia Chronicles tells the story of what happened with the magic, how it all came about, and what went wrong to turn friends into hunter, hunted, and captive.