★前微軟技術長、Modernist Cuisine團隊創始人Nathan Myhrvold最新力作
《Food & Drink: Modernist Cuisine Photography》這本精美的攝影集有200多張照片,以全新且令人驚豔的方式展現美食樣貌。
Nathan Myhrvold是微軟前首席技術長,也是Modernist Cuisine團隊創始人。他是狂熱的發明家,也極度熱愛美食,曾出版掀起廚藝界浪潮的《Modernist Cuisine: The Art and Science of Cooking》,以藝術及科學角度一網打盡烹飪的各項知識,驚豔世人。
在《Food & Drink: Modernist Cuisine Photography》這本全新作品中,Nathan Myhrvold以最新攝影技術捕捉美食充滿動態的一刻:葡萄酒被彈射出來,形成一幕水花;像色票般排列的甜甜圈;一顆像巨石一般的藍莓。或是從空拍角度看收割後的麥田,以超大倍率觀察番茄種子。這本書不同於Nathan Myhrvold以往作品,而是以有趣、新奇角度捕捉我們所喜愛的食物與飲料暗藏的驚人細節。
高品質的印刷加上精美的盒裝設計,《Food & Drink: Modernist Cuisine Photography》帶你從全新角度發現美食,是一本值得收藏的美食攝影經典。
Take a deep dive into Modernist Cuisine founder and photographer Nathan Myhrvold’s ever-evolving fascination with food in his new book Food & Drink: Modernist Cuisine Photography. This beautiful photo book features over 200 vibrant images showcasing food in new and surprising ways. Myhrvold uses cutting-edge photography techniques that combine custom-built cameras and robotics with creativity, endless curiosity, and the willingness to get drenched with wine on occasion. The results are blueberries shot to appear like boulders, condiments exploding out of cannons, and wine catapulted to create the perfect splash.
This collection of Myhrvold’s images is organized into thematic sections focused on core elements of his food photography and comes packaged in a new shelf-friendly trim size with a slipcase. Over 20 full-spread panoramic images measuring 27” x 10.315” display high-quality printing.
From an aerial shot of the gentle carved shapes in a wheat field after harvest to the magnified view of the colorful corona of a tomato seed, Food & Drink features imagery not found in Myhrvold’s previous photography book. This gorgeous coffee table book captures stunning details of the foods and drinks we love from a fresh, playful perspective.