Life with chronic pain is hard, both physically and mentally.
But it’s not without hope. In "Strength Through Pain," Kevin takes you on a personal journey that started with a 15-year battle against an unknown source of pain, followed by a diagnosis of Psoriatic Arthritis. As he faced a future filled with uncertainty, Kevin grappled with the questions that haunt anyone diagnosed with such a condition: "What will my future be like?", "Will I still be able to do the things I enjoy?" and "How bad will the pain get?" Drawing from his own experience and his training as a personal trainer and nutrition coach, Kevin offers practical strategies ranging from fitness and nutrition to mindfulness and gratitude, that can empower you to self-manage chronic pain. "Strength Through Pain is one of the most fascinating books on fitness, health, longevity, wellness, and body composition I have ever read. It truly is a ’one-stop shop’ for training advice for the bulk of the population." - Dan John