Welcome to ’Going Deeper with Jason George’ the book series that goes along with his YouTube series by the same name where you can be a part of some of Jason’s amazing adventures with these beautiful creatures to add more to the story.
Jason’s goal with this series is to take you deeper into the animal kingdom with each book focusing on a specific animal and his personal experiences with them. In this book, I will share with you some of my favourite moose encounters. Most encounters I’ve had with moose are in Algonquin Park Ontario. The word moose is actually the plural because it is a loan word from the Native American languages (Eastern Algonquin and Narragansett). The Algonquin word ’moosu’ translates to ’he who strips bark’ or ’eater of twig’ and is where we get the word moose from. The male moose is called a bull, a female is a cow, and the baby is a calf or yearling. Check on YouTube for some awesome Moose videos.