Packed with over 250 pages of fun facts, exciting stats, and engaging activities, the Kid’s Guide to Euro 2024 is a must-have for young football and soccer fans eager to explore the world of the UEFA European Football Championship. From delving into the tournament’s history to uncovering interesting trivia about the nations participating in the upcoming Euro 2024 tournament hosted by Germany, every page is brimming with exciting information that will provide children with hours of entertainment and education including:
- Brief History about the UEFA European Championship including previous hosts and finalists;
- Fascinating facts about the long-awaited Euro 2024 tournament including information about the Host Nation, Germany;
- Double-spread Match Schedule for children and adults to complete with live scores during the competition;
- Detailed information about all 24 participating nations including dates and match schedules for each competitive group (Groups A - F);
- Flags & educational geography activities so children can learn about every nation playing in the tournament;
- Fun complete-as-you-go activities like create-your-own jersey, activity cut outs and draw your favourite team player for each of the competing European countries promoting fine motor skills;
- Test your knowledge with Crosswords, Trivia, Puzzles, Maze and Find-A-Word activities;
- Unleash your creativity and mindfulness with colouring pages.