Israel is at war, again. This time, it is at war with Gaza, with Lebanon, and with Iran. What is a Christian response to this war, and how can we make sense of it? Who is responsible, what is the truth about Israel’s war, why is there war in the Middle East, and why does America support Israel? Is Israel an apartheid state and does God approve of Palestinian deaths? In this unique perspective, Rev. Dr. Michael J. Sutton forces us to confront uncomfortable issues relating not only to Israel, but for all of us living in this world today. From the Jordan to the Sea is the slogan for many in Israel, the dream of Greater Israel, supported by millions of Christian Zionists who believe that what is happening know is the will of God as he prepares to usher in the Rapture. But there is another slogan from another man from Israel, the man Jesus who told us to bring the good news of his person, his power, and his presence, not just to Israel and to the Jordan, but to the ends of the earth.