There seems to be inexhaustible options of what to believe about the rapture of the church. More and more people now tend to believe that there will be no rapture. When reading the Bible, people interpret the same section of Scripture in a multitude of ways. How can this be if we are all of one mind, and one body, through the indwelling of the Holy Spirit? A question yet to be answered!
Fortunately, we now have access to the original Biblical calendar. This was the calendar that the nation of Israel used from antiquity until it was removed during the 400 silent years by the then Greek Empire who reigned over the Middle East. The calendar was found among the Dead Sea Scrolls. We didn’t realise what it was until about 20 to 30 years ago, and of course, it then took some time to filter out to the public for general study.
The calendar allows us to understand the prophetical timeline much more clearly. The discovery of the calendar, along with additional prophetical material, especially from the Essenes, allows us to see the picture of what God has intended from creation through to Christ’s reign in the Millennium Kingdom.
While we still may not know "the exact day or hour" of the rapture, we can place this in the timeline of events that we know are just around the corner. And just around the corner it appears to be!
However we approach this subject, we should all be living as if we are likely to stand in front of Jesus tomorrow! That could happen for any number of reasons. The rapture is not required to move us from this planet into the presence of our Lord.