Tarot card reading is commonly believed to be a form of divination, in which the psychic abilities of the tarot card reader are fundamental to interpreting any form of spiritual messaging.
Tarot Well Done offers an entirely different perspective and explains how the Rider-Waite tarot deck, as illustrated by Pamela Coleman Smith in the early 20th century, provides a framework which is far more sophisticated and consistent than most people (or tarot card readers) realize.
In the same way that languages, music, and mathematics can be learned, memorized, and consistently applied to gain reliable outcomes, so can tarot.
Tarot Well Done explains how the tarot cards are an instrument of communication with which two entities, speaking the same language, may converse. One entity is the tarot card reader. The other entity may, or may not, be known. Nonetheless, when they speak proficiently to one another, the result is consistent messaging, reliable interpretations, and improved accuracy. Not perfect of course, because a human is involved. But close.
Tarot Well Done examines the creation of the Rider-Waite deck, the superb artistry within each card’s illustrations, and demonstrates how consistent application of theologies, colors, symbols, numbers, and a few subtle surprises, converge to form a language that anyone can learn and proficiently use, regardless of intuitive ability.
Elena Olympia Collins has 35+ years of experience reading the Rider-Waite tarot deck. She combines her in-depth knowledge of tarot with her passion for ancient wisdom, philosophy and esoteric practice. The outcome is Tarot Well Done. The essential book for anyone wishing to transform themselves from novice, into the proficient tarot card reader.