The beginning of the end or the end of the beginning?
The third book in the Angels series continues with the Old One’s retelling of the events that led to the Great Upheaval.
The story recounts the events that occurred 20 years after the Desolation that killed all adult males and changed the male genome so boys die by the age of 20.. The Greater Republic of Melbourne survived the difficult Transition years thanks to the benevolent dictator Evelyn Perkins but now it’s time to hold elections. The major issue for most women is what to do about males. Break throughs in artificial insemination make males superfluous for reproduction so aside from using them as cheap labour, what value do they provide. Two politicians vie for Evelyn’s backing. Monika Thomas has been Evelyn’s loyal supporter but she is heterosexual. Catherine Williams has a wife and they are expecting a child but Catherine’s wife refuses to have the fetus gender tested. Who will Evelyn choose to support and what will they be asked to give up to get her support? Meanwhile, Dr Harris must decide whether to continue her research or search for her son who was caught in the fires that destroyed the old business district of Melbourne. Sofia Vargas, the mediator in the Free Colony of Warragul, faces growing anti-male sentiment and the survivor Steve, who against all odds has lived past 20, must decide his own future.