In 1945, young Francine and her maman are sent to the Bergen-Belsen Nazi prison camp, where life is gray and hopeless. Determined to lift Francine’s spirits, Maman shares a secret: hidden inside her bag are two pieces of chocolate. They’re the first sweets Francine has seen in years, but Maman tells her not to eat them. "One day, when I see that you really need them...that’s when I’ll give the chocolates to you."
When Francine meets Hélène, a fellow prisoner, she learns another secret: Hélène is pregnant. But there is so little food that Hélène and her baby are in grave danger. Remembering the chocolates, Francine realizes she may be able to help Hélène.
Francine’s act of kindness gives Hélène hope and will make ripples in their lives for decades to come.
Inspired by a remarkable true story.