Book One in The Disappeared Series is a fictional account of the very real crime of Human Trafficking. Our story details the boundless cruelty of mankind. Set in Eastern Bavaria, during the simmering Cold War, a single woman is abducted and trafficked over the border into Czechoslovakia to survive a cruel existence in a forced labour camp behind the Iron Curtain - east of freedom. Despite being in Czechoslovakia, the camp was owned and run by corrupt soviet authorities in league with a variety of German and Russian gangsters. How will she survive? More importantly, will she manage to escape and return to her home and family? One day stretches into five years, yet her spirit remains unbroken, despite the punishing reality of her life of slavery. Her dogged determination is fuelled by memories of her life before her abduction.
Meanwhile, Lutz struggles with his conscience, haunted by the consequences of his actions. Fate intervenes when their paths cross again and he realizes that his redemption lies in helping to save the very people whose disappearance he engineered.
Heroes from two countries conspire to make a daring dash to freedom.