Justice or deception is a reflection of some of the things going on in the world and how people react based on emotion and sentiment on serious and sensitive issues. The book covered many general thoughts and ideas that philosophers and ordinary people struggle with on daily bases. It reflects some of the decisions we made based on the gift of free will. Though the thought is free, the action is made out of fear of the unknown which is rooted in poverty and humiliation. The book brought out fears as a paralysis feeling that destroys human destiny if care is not taken. Justice or deception shed light on some of the human actions based on fear and the outcome. The intention of this book is to bring general awareness to some dark secret human struggle with on daily bases. And it is to be used as a conversational starter when in doubt or in suspicion of one’s own action or others. It is not a tool to solve life problems but to acquire knowledge in understanding human behavior in simple terms. The book is phenomenal based on many deep thoughts and hidden secrets that many can easily understand. Justice for one is a justice for all and deception by one is a trouble for many. And to lay blame on God for the injustice and deceptive act we created is to blame God for the gift of free will.