The Chessmen of Mars centers on Tara, the daughter of John Carter and Dejah Thoris. When a storm carries Tara to a strange region of Mars, she is taken prisoner by the Kaldanes, beings that have a symbiotic relationship with humans. Unknown to Tara, Gahan of Gathol disguises himself and sets out on a dangerous mission to save her, which ends with their capture in the city of Manator. They are thrown into a lethal game of live chess, where the capture of any piece prompts a duel.
The fifth installment in the Barsoom series, stands out for its inventive integration of the game of Jetan, a Martian chess variant that vividly incorporates the theme of real-life strategy and combat into the narrative. This game, played with living pieces on a grand board, mirrors the novel’s larger conflicts and dramatizes its social and political intrigues. Burroughs’ blend of fantastical settings with the intellectual and physical challenges of Jetan provides a distinctive twist that enriches the series’ exploration of Martian culture and society.
This case laminate collector’s edition includes a Victorian inspired dust-jacket.