"In 1980, comics legends Marv Wolfman and George Pâerez introduced Deathstroke the Terminator in the seminal pages of The New Teen Titans - and the deadly villain soon became one of the most popular antagonists in all of comics. A decade later, Wolfman returned to Slade Wilson, who was now the title character of his own comic book series - Deathstroke: The Terminator! Stories include Deathstroke’s hunt for the Ravager, the man who tried to kill his ex-wife. It’s all-out action as these two super-powered soldiers go toe to toe! Then, someone is knocking off the crime bosses of Gotham City. It’s up to Deathstroke to eliminate the competition-but Batman doesn’t take kindly to him on his turf. And things get even crazier when the masked killer known as the Vigilante enters the fray"--