Womens Short Stories Volume 1. The short story is often viewed as an inferior relation to the Novel. But it is an art in itself. To take a story and distil its essence into fewer pages while keeping character and plot rounded and driven is not an easy task. Many try and many fail. In this series we look at short stories from many of our most accomplished female writers. Miniature masterpieces with a lot to say. Their art in writing a short story can be barely noticed by a reader or listener - such is the quality with which they are usually written. It is a difficult trade, an unforgiving discipline, but for those who master it, the rewards are many. In this series of works by our greatest female writers, we bring you a selection of those we consider the best. Many of these stories are also available as an audiobook from our sister company Word Of Mouth. Many samples are at our youtube channel http://www.youtube.com/user/PortablePoetry?feature=mhee The full volume can be purchased from iTunes, Amazon and other digital stores. Index Of Stories; A Dill Pickle by Katherine Mansfield; The Storm by Kate Chopin; The Sextons Hero by Elizabeth Gaskell; Solid Objects by Virginia Woolf; Afterward by Edith Wharton