The global bestselling debut, now a word-of-mouth classic - a heart-rending story of a lighthouse keeper and his wife who face a life-changing moral dilemma when a baby in a boat washes up on their island.
本書於二○一二年出版後,立即入選 ABA 美國書商協會八月分「Indie Next List Great Read」第一名和美國愛書俱樂部佳句精選,最終並榮獲英國亞馬遜書店二○一二年度最佳處女作第四名和 Goodreads 網站二○一二年度最佳歷史小說,蟬連紐約時報、出版家週刊、美國書商協會等各大暢銷排行榜十餘週,累積銷量突破三十萬冊!
M L Stedman was born in Western Australia and now lives in London. The Light Between Oceans, her debut novel, is published around the world. A major film of the novel starring Michael Fassbender and Alice Vikander is due for release in late 2016. The Light Between Oceans is now considered to be a word-of-mouth classic.