It seems unlikely that there could be any subject to have preoccupied writers throughout the ages more than the pursuit of love. This may have reached an all time high in the Victorian era when a new age of romanticism captured hearts and minds. However, whilst love might have been the ultimate answer there were numerous questions that preceded it. Courtship and marriage were complicated transactions with a plethora of rules and customs that were enforced and could not be avoided. A good match was of paramount importance for both men and women and involved not just their families but required mutual acquaintances in order to begin or progress the relationship due to the complicated etiquette involved in introductions, home visits and all contact between the potential couple which until engagement required chaperoning. This series of short stories wonderfully captures the nuances of these rituals and includes gems from Anthony Trollope who with great flair is able to penetrate the many layers of social etiquette involved, William Schwenk Gilbert, who reveals a fascinating insight into this Victorian world and many more.