書中色彩柔美且精緻的繪圖,除了在閱讀故事時能夠豐富想像力之外,更設置了按鈕於書中,按下音樂鈕就可享受柴可夫斯基經典管弦樂曲,讓小朋友從閱讀中培養對於古典樂的喜好與鑑賞能力,爸爸媽媽千萬不能錯過!(文 / 博客來編譯)
In this retelling of the classic ballet story, bring Tchaikovsky’s Sleeping Beauty to life by pressing the musical notes on each page. Join the King and Queen as they throw a party for their new baby, Princess Aurora. But when a terrible guest arrives and places a curse on princess, the kingdom must find the one special person who can defeat it...
Read the story and then turn to the back of the book to read about the music clips. The third title in the Story Orchestra series, following on from The Four Seasons, and The Nutcracker, is for readers 5 and up.