Simon Bacon has published many articles on vampires, monstrosity, science fiction and media studies and has co-edited books on various subjects including Undead Memory: Vampires and Human Memory in Popular Culture (2014), Seductive Concepts: Perspectives on Sins, Vices and Virtues (2014), Little Horrors: Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Anomalous Children and the Construction of Monstrosity (2016), To Boldly Go: Essays on Gender and Identity in the Star Trek Universe (2017), Growing Up with Vampires: Essays on the Undead in Children’s Media (2018) and The Gothic (2018). He has published two monographs, Becoming Vampire: Difference and the Vampire in Popular Culture (2016) and Dracula as Absolute Other: The Troubling and Distracting Specter of Stoker’s Vampire on Screen (2019), and is currently working on his third, Eco-Vampires: The Vampire as Environmentalist and Undead Eco-activist.