Cross-Cultural Perspectives: Explore how different cultures approach education and socialization, highlighting similarities, differences, and the impact of cultural values on educational practices. Social Identity Formation: Investigate how education shapes individuals’ social identities, including their sense of self, belonging, and relationship to broader social groups. Power Dynamics in Education: Examine the role of power dynamics in educational settings, considering issues such as privilege, marginalization, and the reproduction of social inequalities through schooling. Education for Citizenship: Explore the role of education in preparing individuals to participate effectively in democratic societies, fostering critical thinking, civic engagement, and ethical decision-making. Socialization Beyond School: Expand the discussion beyond formal education to consider the influence of informal socialization agents such as media, peer groups, and family dynamics on individuals’ social development. Resilience and Agency: Highlight the importance of resilience and agency in navigating the complexities of education and socialization, empowering individuals to overcome obstacles, challenge social norms, and shape their own identities and futures.