圖書名稱:Darwen Born, Blackburn Bred: Growing up in the Age of Affluence
This book is not a scholarly work of history, nor is it truly a memoir or an autobiography, as I am under no illusions that my life merits that kind of treatment. My standpoint is that of the participant observer, and the backdrop is provided by the proud communities of Blackburn and Darwen, where my family lived, where I was educated, and where I worked before moving on to make my own way in life. I am sure that the experiences I describe will resonate with readers in many other once prosperous industrial areas. The key theme of this book is what is what like to grow up in working class communities during what I have called the Age of Affluence, the thirty years that followed World War Two in which the working people of the United Kingdom for the only time in our industrial history, experienced unbroken full employment and saw their lives transformed as a consequence.