●改變人生,就在一念之間。信心與思維模式專家,《調校心態》、《5秒法則》作者梅爾‧羅賓斯(Mel Robbins),提供讀者最強效簡易的成功法則。
你知道嗎?當生活陷入瓶頸,讓人感到挫折、無能為力時,這些問題往往不一定真得與你有關。自我成長與思維模式專家,《調校心態》、《5秒法則》作者梅爾‧羅賓斯集結心理學、認知科學相關的研究報告、古老的智慧和作者的親身經歷,提出「隨他們去」理論(The Let Them Theory),改變你對人際關係、掌控權和自身力量的想法。這本淺顯易懂的行動指南,將幫助讀者即刻做出改變!
你可曾意識到,在工作、關係和追求目標的過程中,浪費了多少的時間、心力在錯誤的事情上,以致陷入心力交瘁的循環中?醒醒吧!「隨他們去!(Let Them)」是終止迷茫與沮喪的關鍵,別再試圖控制那些根本無法掌握的人事物上,反倒讓周遭的一切操控了你。
What if the key to happiness, success and love was as simple as
two words?
If you’ve ever felt stuck or overwhelmed, the problem isn’t you – it’s the power you give others. Two words – Let Them – will set you free from the opinions, drama and judgements of others, and from the exhausting cycle of managing everything around you. The Let Them Theory reveals how to reclaim your power to create a life you love.
Using the no-nonsense, science-backed approach that’s made The Mel Robbins Podcast a global sensation, Mel explains how you can apply the theory in eight key areas. She shares personal stories and introduces top experts in psychology, neuroscience, relationships and ancient wisdom. Learn how to:
· Break free from fear, self-doubt and the grip of people’s expectations
· Create the best friendships of your life
· Build resilience against everyday stressors and distractions
· Define your own path to success, joy and fulfilment
Whether you want to advance your career, motivate others to change, take creative risks, find deeper connections, start a new chapter or simply create more happiness, it begins with two simple words. ‘Mel Robbins is one of the most impactful, inspiring, wise people I've ever met in my life.’ Steven Bartlett, entrepreneur, author and host of The Diary of a CEO podcast