《阿拉丁》的故事內容主要是取材自阿拉伯民間故事,原版動畫電影在 1992 年上映時獲得了最佳原創歌曲與最佳原創配樂兩項奧斯卡獎,得獎人艾倫曼肯(Alan Menken)也將回歸為真人版電影譜曲配樂。
故事敘述冒險的阿拉丁少年、最有勇氣與相當自主的茉莉公主,與對於他們未來扮演重要腳色的精靈。2019年迪士尼推出的經典動畫改編真人電影《阿拉丁》由英國《福爾摩斯》系列導演蓋瑞奇(Guy Ritchie)掌鏡,《巧克力冒險工廠》編劇John August與導演蓋瑞奇一起改編撰寫劇本,忠實呈現原版動畫電影中所熟悉的場景。
The Art and Making of Aladdin offers the ultimate behind-the-scenes look into the 2019 live-action adaptation of the Disney classic, Aladdin.
The streets of Agrabah come to vibrant life in Disney's 'Aladdin', a live action adaptation of the studio's animated classic, which is the exciting tale of the charming street rat Aladdin, the courageous and self-determined Princess Jasmine, and the Genie who may be the key to their future.
Filled with striking imagery and fascinating behind-the-scenes details, The Art and Making of Aladdin examines the creation of Disney's new live-action film Aladdin, a stunning adaptation of the classic animated film. This deluxe book features an in-depth look at lavish concept art, unit photography and other gorgeous visual details. Revealing interviews with filmmakers, cast, and crew members provide a unique insight into the Aladdin filmmaking experience through a beautifully designed exploration of the development of the film. The Art and Making of Aladdin is the ultimate visual treat for all fans of this Disney classic.