A new threat emerges. An old foe lurks in the shadows...
A year after the destruction of Malvrok’s Fortress has seen Abner grow into a capable solider. Needing money and wanting to carve his own path in the world, he enlists in the Renori Tournament.
But within the tournament, Abner discovers a deadly plot. With friends and enemies both closer than he would like, Abner must choose if he wants to continue the life of a Sword Lord or swear himself to the Huntrey.
With the fate of the world resting on his decision, will Abner acquire the taste of the hunt, or will he perish in the attempt?
Taste of the Hunt is the second book in the Toldar Series. A tale of betrayal, terrifying foes, and gripping action. Dive into the world of the Hunters and witness their plight against the Vampire hordes of Taagras in this classic Matt Mememaro’s series!