Authors Jeremy Ayres, Phil Escott, John Gusty, Ben Hunt & Graeme Norbury together make up The Human Unleashed: a multi-media collective focused on optimal health & human potential. The Red Pill Revolution is a comprehensive look into modern culture, the manipulative forces that shape our lives and how to best maintain health, balance and happiness. After researching & practicing natural medicine for 30 years, initially expecting the knowledge he sought to be established, his journey led him to understand that not only is this knowledge very guarded & often hidden, but that man’s sufferings, dis-ease & woes have been deliberately created to profit the few. Those that have honorably tried to remedy this have often suffered great persecutions. He believes we all stand on the shoulders of giants &t. he time is NOW for this great awakening of truths. Phil Escott has been involved in the health & fitness arena for decades & is the author of Kindle bestseller, Arthritis, The Best Thing That Ever Happened To Me, charting his story of how sick he had to become to realize that many of his previous beliefs were false. He now consults with clients worldwide &
is passionate about helping them to heal and blowing up myths in the diet industry and medical system. After over 30 years in the entertainment industry working behind the curtain for some of music’s biggest names, John turned his attention to Health & Wellness in an effort to help his wife heal from what was originally diagnosed as Multiple Sclerosis. He soon realized that the same deceit & profit motive that plagued the entertainment media was even worse inside the Medical Industrial Complex. A devout Agorist & champion of individuality, he now devotes his time to producing content that celebrates the spirit of sovereignty in all aspects of life. For many years Ben Hunt was best known as a blogger and author on design and marketing, but his passion has always been exploring how human beings can live in the most satisfying and sustainable way. This passion led him to study fields as diverse as self-sufficiency, bushcraft, and regenerative agriculture. In his spare time, Ben likes to play chess and make didgeridoos. Despite being encouraged by his tutors to aim for medical school, Graeme chose to study engineering but was eventually lured into the world of financial markets. During his 30 year career, his drive to understand the complex systems of global finance led him on a voyage of discovery into the true nature of money, geo-politics and control. Since 2004 he has turned his attention to another complex system... human health. He is a proponent of Quantum Biology, which offers an exciting new view of health using light, water and magnetism.