For ten thousand years the seven wizards of the Wizard Council of Eonor had governed and protected the Elven folk of Eonor. As their time was passing and no apprentice was born to pass on their knowledge, the council put all their knowledge and magic into the "White Book of Magic". It was established that only a true wizard could read from the book. A true wizard was defined as one who is born when a comet is visible during a total eclipse and can read from the book.
Gindon, a member of the council could not accept his demise. He sought to increase his power and extend his life. He wrote the "Book Black of Magic" which, advised him to kill the other wizards and take their power as the only solution to becoming immortal. He killed one of the wizards and with a terrible war looming, the Elven folk and the youngest of the Wizard Council left for a new land to call home or "Urot".
Gindon was able to kill another wizard and became more powerful. He gave the "Book of Black Magic" to his daughter, Gelda, and sent her with the others, to the new land.
Massive fires and explosions were seen as the ship sailed off to their new home. Gelda knew her father had been killed and sought revenge against the Elven folk.
The ships landed on the shore of Urot, the sight of their first city, Windor.
Gelda, seeking revenge for her father’s death, conjured a troll that killed several Elves before being slain. Gelda was accused of practicing Black Magic and was banished to the Black Mountains since Elven do not kill Elven. She swore her revenge and cursed them as she left.
Gelda learned the ways of Black Magic and conjured more slave creatures to build her fortress castle.
As the Elven folk expanded their realm, they discovered humans living in the prairies, forests, and mountains. They were primitive but saw that they were intelligent and gentle. They taught humans woodworking, metallurgy, reading, and writing. After a time, humans built their own cities and villages. They kept good relations with the Elven folk, and it was not uncommon for humans and Elves to marry.
And so, it was with King Marcus Drakorne who married the Elven Princess Errisa and soon their son Ferryman was born when a comet was visible during a total eclipse.
The people of Urot wait patiently for a wizard’s apprentice to be declared as Gelda plots their demise.