The Biblical book of Revelation: Is it fearful prophecy or a promise of hope? Is it prophecy of an approaching Armageddon, or a description of a glorious personal future for you? Over the centuries, this book has been misused to frighten and control the ignorant and unlearned. With today’s understanding of the human mind, the ego, emotional pressures and psychology of relationships, we discover that this final book in the Bible is an early attempt to describe the process of individual spiritual growth. Instead of the darkness being "out there", we learn that the shadows are within us. Utilizing the advances of psychology, dream study, quantum physics, spiritual insights, and recent discoveries of ancient texts, The Rainbow Promise re-examines this misaligned book to unearth a message of promise, hope and encouragement for all. The book of Revelation is not necessarily about wars and the evil anti-Christ. Rather it is about us when our goal is for the Christ Spirit to have unhindered access to who we are. It is about allowing the Holy Spirit to flow through us and to accomplish its work through our actions. This involves opening ourselves to the flow of Spiritual energy. Such a process involves concepts such as meditation, the chakras and spiritual cleansing. All of this is in the book of Revelation! Grow in spiritual awareness as you read how the symbols of Revelation relate to the changes in the human body when opening to the Holy Spirit. See how this happened in the life of the one we call Jesus! The spiritual insights expressed through The Rainbow Promise have come through years of study by the author, along with communication from the spirit realm.