Hi ... Great Vectory... I have been tired working and with support of my several novelities and innovations ... and I have made several of these ideas at reality ... then I have been an author ... and I have my own business ... and this could be a great vectory at times... Pleasure could be the most exciting sense in humans life... This book is a story about the life of the special author, mentioned by the details of a number of experiences and what I expect to be useful to the reader. In this book, the author mentions the events and actions that he has experienced since his inception until now. With his view of those positions and benefited from them. Eng. Yaser Ibrahim Kashgari, born on 22nd of November 1974 in Georgia, United States of America. Graduated from University with a bachelor degree in Communication Engineering and got a master degree MBA. The author was dominated to be a Minister at the Ministry Of Water and Electricity at Saudi Arabia, since 2014. Eng. Yasir I. Kashgari