Jesus Christ preexistedthe Incarnation(John 8:58). He existed in apreincarnateform before He was incarnated (Php. 2:6). However, in this preexisting form He had no beginning.Jesus Christ is"theBeginning"(Rev. 3:14,21:6,22:13). We can be sure that He preexisted the creation of the world in the genesis of time; for, in actuality, HeCreatedit (Genesis 1:1;John 1:1-5, Col. 1:16-17, Eph. 3:9). Jesus is one among the plurality of people, who said,"Letus make man in our Image"(Gen. 1:26), when the mighty and strong creator God, called, Elohim(Gen. 1:26), created mankind. Herein, from eternity past, long before Jesus becametheSon ofMan, He was alwaystheSon of Godin whomtheFatherdelights (Prov. 8:22-31); and, astheSon of God, Jesus istheAlphaandtheOmega(Rev. 1:8,11,21:6,22:13) -the Second Person of the Godheadwho has interposed Himself on behalf of mankind from thebeginning, even before the fall of Adam, theretofore untiltheincarnation, andmuch moreforevermore (1 Cor. 5:1-5, Ps. 110:1, Matt. 28:19-20, Rom. 5:10).