A new world. A new Abner. A new Vampire threat to destroy...
When Abner awakens in a strange place, and he panics. He is quickly thrust into a new world of Taagras. One that has flourished and suffered at the hands of his father for the past four hundred years. Humans and Vampires live side by side more than ever before, and not for the betterment of the former.
As Abner is brought into what remains of the Huntrey, he realises that humanity is on its last legs. Tal’davin has returned and possesses his father’s body and must be stopped. But with little time and even fewer resources, Abner must complete the task that he was born to do.
Will Abner Toldar be able to pull off the impossible? Or will this be his final hunt?
Final Hunt is the fourth book in the Toldar Series. Enter the new Taagras alongside Abner Toldar to finish off the captivating and gritty series by Matt Mememaro.