Expressing the "bottom line up front," this is a simple guidebook for your soul. Just like you need daily food and exercise for your body, you also need spiritual food for living because you are a spiritual being created in the image of God.We are human beings. There is your soul in your body. You need to take care of your soul as much as you take care of your body. This book is for the daily reflection and sustenance for your soul. Just think about you and your soul. Don’t you think you need something to fill your soul? Let me ask a few questions. Do you know how to take care of your soul? What did you last do to enrich it? When was the last time that you felt contentment within your being? We, you and I, need the encouragement, the guidance, the love and the grace of God daily. This book will teach you some very basic lessons to take care of your soul. I am a 1st generation Korean American. This is why some of my English expressions may seem odd. Some could say, "This is not a good quality English book. I know that. I know my limitations in regard to the English language. I made this book in spite of that. Trust me, I thought and prayed a lot whether to publish this book or not. God may not give me fluent English language skills, but He did put a passion in my heart to write this book. I have just enough courage to take one step at a time.As you may know, I have sent out 101 spiritual messages to my people via email in 19 ESC for several months. I got many encouraging email responses in doing so. I was able to publish this book because of the many uplifting messages that were sent back to me. Through this work, I am also able to see God’s intent and direction for my ministry is to touch people’s lives every day. I hope that God’s love will pour out upon each and every individual who reads this book. I also wish that you could feel and experience God’s grace in your life through these messages.