Follow the adventures of Benjamin Meerkat, George Monkey, Samuel Warthog and Sophie Giraffe, four young animals who become friends on the wide, grassy plains of Africa. Join them in their adventures as they discover friendship, fun and excitement in the shade of an ancient baobab tree, watched over by the Wise Old Owl who lives in the top of the tree and the cheeky grasshopper who can pop up on any page. This beautifully illustrated book will appeal to a variety of ages. Each chapter is a story in itself and ideal for reading aloud to young children or for early readers to enjoy reading on their own or helped by a parent.This is the author’s first book and she drew her inspiration when her four grandchildren were born, two of them spending their early years in Botswana. Although this book is complete in itself, she hopes to continue their adventures in further books to come. Watch this space !