不管我們去哪裡展開冒險,我們永遠都需要一個家。跟著可愛小熊的腳步,漫步在森林中,一起探索大自然的奧秘,認識不同動物的棲息地。Patricia Hegarty詩意的文字,搭配德國的知名繪本創作者布麗塔.泰肯特拉普(Britta Teckentrup)精緻的插圖,以及特殊的鏤空設計,將動物們的家栩栩如生地重現在紙頁上。
* 系列作品包括:
1. Tree Seasons Come, Seasons Go《樹:春夏秋冬,季節流轉》
2. Moon: night-time around the world《月亮:夜幕下的世界》
3. Bee Nature's tiny miracle《蜜蜂:大自然的小小奇蹟》
4. Sea A World Beneath the Waves《大海:神奇海底世界》
Wherever we may choose to roam,
We need a place to call our home.
A gorgeous picture book by award-winning author and illustrator Britta Teckentrup!
Follow a little bear as he discovers a host of animal homes and more in this beautiful die-cut picture book. Wander through the forest and peep through the die-cuts to reveal fascinating habitats and stunning natural scenes. Lyrical text by Patricia Hegarty is paired with stunning artwork by the award-winning illustrator Britta Teckentrup to bring these animal homes to life. Ending back in bear’s cosy cave as he snuggles down to hibernate, this gorgeous book makes a perfect bedtime read!
Also available in the Peek-through Nature series: Don't miss the full range of stunning picture books that focus on the natural world, including Moon, Bee, Sea and Tree!
For more Britta Teckentrup books that explore social themes, don’t miss We Are Together, Under the Same Sky, Kindness Grows and A Happy Place.