KATHARINA WIEDLACK is Assistant Professor for Anglophone Cultural Studies at the University of Vienna. Her research interests are transnational American studies, queer and feminist theory, and popular culture among others. Her monograph «Queer-feminist Punk: an Anti-Social History» was published in 2015 by the queer-feminist publisher Zaglossus. She combines her academic research, and teaching with her queer feminist activism, art and community organizing. American encounters, and the mobilization of values and identities.
TEGIYE BIREY is a PhD Candidate in Gender Studies at Central European University and Utrecht University. Her PhD dissertation is an ethnography of the asylum movement in Malmö between 2017 and 2018 from the perspective of coalitional feminisms. She is the author of the article «Devising Conviviality: Intersubjective Becoming through the Labor of Community-Building» and co-editor of the volume «Challenging the Political Across Borders: Migrants’ and Solidarity Struggles» and often facilitates discussions on migration activism and gender studies. She is currently part of the organizing team of «Closet Demonstrations: An Exhibition on Queer In_visibilities» (Vienna, November 2023).
PATRICK DE VRIES is a queer activist, photographer and artist. A vital Queering Paradigms associate of the first hour, de Vries was the assistant editor of «QP 7 Contested Bodies and Spaces» (2018). He holds an MSc in Environmental Chemistry from the University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands, and a PhD in Computational Biology from the University of Kent, United Kingdom.