Paul wrote letters. He did not write theological treatises or interpretations of sacred writings. He wrote to his friends, to his brothers and sisters in Christ, to encourage, to inform, and sometimes to warn them of some specific danger to their life of faith. The letters are full of his love for them, even when they have gone astray.
When we read these letters we know that they were intended for people whose culture was different from our own, living in different situations and with different needs; yet his letters speak to us too. We have the privilege of holding these precious documents in our hands, documents which have become as important to us as they were to those who first read them.
Through sensitive exegesis and keen academic insight, M J Flower captures Paul’s vision for the churches in Galatia and helps the reader to deepen their understanding of what it means to be a follower of Jesus Christ.
Paul’s Letter to the Galatians: A Devotional Commentary is the third book in the St Giles Commentary Series, following The King and the Kingdom: A Devotional Commentary on the Gospel of Matthew, and The Acts of the Apostles: A Devotional Commentary.