It provides me a great pleasure that my Thesis work on "Legislative Dimension and Judicial Response of Trademark in Legal Network" is going to notice to the luminaries of our university. I focus in my thesis work how Trademark is useful and important in the financial and mercantile arena of our country and in my work my guide has whole heartedly assisted me to make the work more successful and useful. To enlighten the Thesis work the whole study is classified into different chapters.
In the Introduction Chapter the researcher has tried to give a proper concept regarding Trademark, the researcher has discussed the Distinction between Trade mark and Property Mark, the essential features of trademark, functions of a trademark, types of trademarks and the researcher has also discussed regarding the Objectives, Problems, Hypothesis and Methodology of the thesis.
In The History and Development of Trade mark Law Chapter the researcher that means I have discussed regarding the historical perspective of trademark.
In Expanding Boundaries of scope of trademarks Chapter the researcher has discussed regarding the Laws which are relating to expanding boundaries of scope of trademarks.
In Trade mark in International Sphere Chapter the researcher has discussed the importance and the position of trade mark in the International Sphere.
In The Trade mark Legislation in India Chapter the researcher that means I have discussed regarding the Trade marks Legislations of India.
In Infringement of Trademark and Remedies Chapter the researcher that means I have discussed regarding the Infringement of Trademark and its Remedies.