Delve into the intriguing world of physiological mysteries and medical marvels with "Fasting Girls: Their Physiology and Pathology" by William A. Hammond. In this groundbreaking work, Hammond embarks on a scientific exploration of the phenomenon of fasting girls-those who claim to survive for extended periods without consuming food.
With meticulous research and keen insight, Hammond unravels the physiological and psychological factors underlying this enigmatic behavior. Drawing from clinical observations, case studies, and scientific literature, he sheds light on the complex interplay of biological, cultural, and psychological forces that shape the fasting girl phenomenon.
Through vivid descriptions and compelling narratives, Hammond offers a fascinating glimpse into the lives of fasting girls past and present, from medieval mystics to modern-day miracle workers. He examines the physiological mechanisms of starvation, the role of suggestion and suggestion in sustaining prolonged fasts, and the potential health risks and consequences associated with extreme dietary practices.
More than just a medical study, "Fasting Girls" invites readers to ponder timeless questions about the nature of faith, resilience, and the limits of human endurance. Whether you’re a scholar of medicine, psychology, or cultural studies, or simply a curious reader with an interest in the human condition, this book will captivate and enlighten you with its rich tapestry of scientific inquiry and human drama.