Piggly wiggly is a little piglet who is autistic. He lives on a lovely farm with his brothers and sisters, and many other farm animals. The farm is very busy and noisy, and poor Piggly Wiggly finds life very difficult. All the other little piglets like to play and make lots of noise, and Piggly Wiggly feels very alone and left out. This makes him very, VERY, sad and upset. Farmer Fuddle can see how unhappy poor Piggly Wiggly is, so he has a think, and comes up with some great ideas to help him manage his sensory needs.
Beautifully written, with superb illustrations, this is an ideal book for the start of any child’s reading journey, AND for those, who feel they don’t fit in. If you are looking for a story that is unique, this is the book for you.
Piggly Wiggly incorporates colour-combinations, repetitions, and unique, vibrant pictures, which aid any young reader learning language, as well as inspiring, and sparking a world of creativity through colour. Teaching a tale of friendship; One’s might to overcome, and promoting differences, in this little piglets life on a farm.
Piggly Wiggly includes an extra bonus to it’s pages, with one teeny, tiny animal that appears in all the illustrations, waiting to be sought and found by our kiddie wink readers. AND... the book includes a puzzle for the children to match up animals and the sounds they make, giving children a fun extra, whilst teaching recognition and mimicking, by practising the noises of the corresponding animals.
Choosing this book for your family, supports a work, created by a Mother (Pj Sandz - the Author) and Daughter (We.Are.Alien - The Illustrator) Duo. With the book being inspired by the Autistic Illustrators’ own experiences in life, as someone who is Neuro-divergent and who has always struggled to fit in.
Pj Sandz, and We.Are.Alien have other published books for older children to enjoy Such as their Lottie Lostalot series of books, about a little girl that is always getting lost, taking her on amazing magical adventures, and meeting a kingdom of new animals and friends.