《Japan Style》這部經典作品,就針對日本之美帶來領人印象深刻且驚嘆的定義。本書由廣受推崇的日本文化研究者Gian Carlo Calza撰寫,書中收錄超過150幅精美圖片,探討日本藝術與文化的精髓,不論是茶道、服飾,充滿禪意的日式空間,還是日本傳統的建築、圖畫,全都濃縮在這本權威且優美的視覺隨筆裡。
富有洞察力且充滿詩意的解說,深入分析日本風格的複雜性,並非只是針對個別文化進行個案研究,而是從文化的根本面著手。圖文並茂,搭配上全新設計的封面,對日文文化有興趣的讀者來說,《Japan Style》是一本不可錯過的經典。(文/博客來編譯)
The authoritative and wide-ranging visual essay on the aesthetics of Japan, a classic volume now back in print with a stunning new cover design
’Japan style’ is an aesthetic recognizable to everyone: a beautifully displayed flower, an elegant piece of calligraphy, or a simple rock garden, yet it is also difficult to define.
Written by one of the world’s most respected scholars of Japanese art and culture, this book does just that. Illustrated with over 150 stunning images that unlock the essence of Japanese art and culture, alongside Gian Carlo Calza’s groundbreaking and insightful text, Japan Style explores specific achievements in Japanese art and architecture and offers an in-depth analysis of the whole of Japanese culture, its vision of the world and of humankind.