Nonlinear system analysis is of interest to engineers, sociologists, physicists, mathematicians, and many other scientists since most systems are inherently nonlinear in nature. In mathematics, a nonlinear system does not satisfy the superposition principle such as in a linear system. Therefore, the theories underlining nonlinear analysis and their applications need to be developed on their own merit. The first section of this book is a collection of examples reporting recent advances in both theory and applications of nonlinear system analysis. The contents of each chapter will provide in-depth foresight to interested readers. As numerical linearization to a set of matrix equations is still the principal method used to solve a nonlinear system, matrix analysis is the topic of the second section of this book. The matrices have invaded practically all areas of mathematics, the experimental and social sciences, engineering, and technology. This volume updates purely mathematical theoretical aspects, and it also presents concrete examples of the wide range of applications of matrix theory in other disciplines.