’The Cellist’s Notebook’ is a charming, life-affirming tale of discovery surrounding an old family mystery. A young girl’s curiosity, her love of a little melody and the beauty of a cello evokes memories long forgotten.
Set in the present day, ten year old Emily Peters is spending the summer with her Nana Rose, a retired piano teacher, in rural Cumbria whilst Emily’s sister Lizzie travels to Paris for a French exchange. When Emily notices an old photograph of a cellist dating back to the Second World War, and discovers cellos and an old music manuscript in the attic, her Nana tells of the touching and compelling story of her brother Leni, a linguist, cellist and music composer, whose disappearance was marked ’ultimate fate unknown’ following World War II.
Emily’s love of the unfinished cello melody, found in her Great Uncle Leni’s music notebook, evokes memories for her Nana Rose and Emily returns to Norfolk with a passion to play the cello and a determination to learn the long lost melody. A series of events unfold that change the life of Emily and her family forever.
’This was such a beautifully written novella that I devoured in one afternoon. I was instantly captivated by the magical feel and found myself just enchanted by everything within it. For a book so short, it was so detailed and I found myself feeling like I was in Emily’s shoes, and I love when a book does that to me. One of the things I loved most about The Cellist’s Notebook were the gorgeous settings, and this, in turn, made me eager to visit them. My favourite by far was Nana Rose’s house and the Cumbrian countryside. I am a sucker for a good country setting and from the way it was described I found myself wanting to visit Nana Rose myself.’