Jean Jullien
法國藝術家Jean Jullien(讓.朱利安)網路人氣超高,Instagram擁有超過一百萬粉絲追蹤。他以簡單的線條和顏色,描繪平凡的日常生活,卻讓人會心一笑。Jullien在倫敦求學,畢業後插畫作品多出現於知名報章雜誌:例如紐約時報、衛報與新觀察家,為新銳平面設計師。2015年巴黎襲擊事件後,以巴黎鐵塔的再創作,風靡全球。Jullien宣揚和平,不遺餘力,如今享譽國際的他,迎來第一本個人作品集,充滿歡笑、詼諧幽默的畫作與插圖,還有各式合作方案,從未曝光的藝術作品,獨家手稿速寫,記錄創作至今的點點滴滴。
Jullien的作品帶有強烈辨識度,透過簡潔的線條,深入剖析與反思日常的細節。作品時常帶有當代社會特有視覺意象與環境問題。本書以三部分組成,包含個人創作、協力合作與公共創作,全方面剖析Jullien的平面設計職涯發展,從早期的創意合夥到進入繪畫世界,提供第一手草圖資料與私家作品,獨一無二且鉅細靡遺,絕對是一本Jean Jullien粉絲不可缺少的重要作品集。
The debut monograph on the globally-lauded artist, filled with his joyful, witty paintings, illustrations, collaborations, and more – includes never-before-seen artwork and personal sketchbooks, giving insight into his artistic practice
Jean Jullien’s work is instantly recognizable and wide in its scope. Known for his astutely observed and witty depictions of everyday life, his illustrations place expressive characters in relatable environments and act as a visual commentary on life. Organized in three sections – Personal, Collaboration, and Public – this fulsome book explores Jullien’s approach to art and covers his expansive career, from his earliest creative partnerships to his progression into painting, while also offering a first-hand look at his process with sketches and never-before-seen works. Unique and comprehensive in its scope, this is a must-have book for every fan of Jullien's work.