米其林三星主廚Clare Smyth第一本料理書
《Core》獨家深入了解英國名廚Clare Smyth與她位在倫敦諾丁丘(Notting Hill)的餐廳Core by Clare Smyth的工作心法與料理哲學。
Clare Smyth近期頻頻獲獎,2018年在「全球50大最佳餐廳」(World’s 50 Best Restaurant)頒獎典禮上,榮獲最佳女性主廚獎;她在倫敦開設的英式摩登餐廳Core by Clare Smyth也獲得米其林三星肯定;此外Core餐廳也在《哈登的倫敦餐廳大賞》(Harden’s London Restaurant Awards)中獲選為最佳美食體驗。Core料理呈現優雅與摩登的英式風格,Clare主廚善用在地生產的食材,發揮扎實功底與細膩手法,充分展現英國的本性和文化。Clare Smyth打造餐廳「隨興的奢華(informal luxury)」風格,在餐廳裡用餐者沒有穿著正式的要求,大可穿著自在的服裝享受精緻美食。
Clare Smyth首本料理書《Core》收錄Core餐廳內供應的60道最重要的食譜,與70種基本的實用料理食譜:包含常備菜、醬汁與麵包。同時也分享Clare主廚從16歲時離家前往英國受訓,到英國名廚Gordon Ramsay底下磨練,最後開設自己的餐廳,這一路走來的心路歷程以及對料理的哲思。
An exclusive insight into the work and mind of the highly acclaimed chef Clare Smyth and her three-Michelin-starred restaurant, Core by Clare Smyth, in London’s Notting Hill
Clare Smyth’s food is of superlative elegance and redefines modern British cuisine. Through Core’s dishes, Smyth shares stories of ingenuity, nostalgia and humour while at the same time showcasing outstanding produce from a collective of trusted suppliers, who like the team at Core, are dedicated and committed to excellence. This much-anticipated debut book includes 60 key recipes served at Core as well 70 other useful recipes for basics including stocks, sauces and breads, and tells the fascinating story of Smyth’s journey and philosophy that led to her opening and running one of the finest restaurants in the world.