20世紀最具影響力的設計師Dieter Rams,自1961年到1995年,長達三十多年的時間擔任德國百靈(Braun)設計師。他被譽為90年代工業設計之父,把日式極簡精神與德國工藝結合在一起,創造出20世紀最具代表性的作品。他在1960年代設計出的產品至今仍在販售,追求完美的設計理念也仍然影響現代的設計師與消費者。
這本專書詳細記錄Dieter Rams的創作生平,不僅帶讀者欣賞Dieter Rams為百靈以及英國品牌Vitsoe設計的作品,也深入探討他的創作哲學。創作原型的草圖、照片,讓讀者深入Dieter Rams的設計過程,還進入Dieter Rams家中,讓世人一窺大師令人驚嘆的設計收藏。
這本書由Apple前首席設計師 Jonathan(Jony) Ive撰寫前言,詳盡介紹Dieter Rams所有創作,包括他唯一的建築設計作品,與貫穿他設計生命的「好設計的十大原則」,以及這些原則所體現的永續生活理念,是一本想要了解Dieter Rams最好的權威專書。
The definitive monograph on Dieter Rams, one of the most influential product designers of the twentieth century
As head of design at Braun from 1961 to 1995, Dieter Rams created some of the twentieth century’s most iconic objects. Rams’s life and work are indelibly linked to his thoughts about how people live, and how they can live better.
Products he designed in the 1960s are still produced and sold today, and his ideas on good design continue to inspire designers and consumers. Now available again with a stunning new cover, this comprehensive monograph, with a foreword by Jonathan (Jony) Ive, former chief design officer of Apple, explores not only Rams’s life and work, but also his design philosophy.
The book includes detailed text covering Rams’s life, the intellectual context in which he worked, his designs for Braun and Vitsoe, and the ideas and lectures he developed as an advocate for good design. Sketches and photographs of finished products and prototypes provide insight into Rams’s design process, diverse archival material gives a complete picture of his life and work, and specially commissioned photographs of Dieter Rams’s house and the Braun archive provide an exclusive glimpse of the world’s most complete collection of Rams’s designs.
Known for the hundreds of iconic products he designed for Braun and Vitsoe, this comprehensive and exhaustive monograph also features Rams’s only architectural work and the ideas about living sustainably embodied in his ’ten commandments’.