★ Waterstones年度繪本獎得主最新作品
★ 溫馨的故事,探討孩子面對搬家時的壓力與不安
★ 發揮想像力與創造力,留住生活中最美好的回憶
The Comet 描述人們面對搬家時的不安與壓力,以及這個經驗如何影響我們的人際關係與歸屬感。但只要透過想像力與創造力,最終,我們還是能留住生活中所有美好的回憶。本書畫風細膩,栩栩如生的繪圖使閱讀變得生動活潑,讀者們可以在精緻的繪圖裡,尋找小小的細節與感動,也能透過這個溫馨的故事,感受愛與被愛的力量。
When Nyla has to leave her home in the countryside to start life again in the city, all she can think about is everything she misses from before. So when a comet comes crashing through the city streets and starts to glow and grow, Nyla can’t resist a chance to head somewhere that feels closer to what she had before … but what starts as an escape could be just the thing to make her finally feel at home. From the award-winning Joe Todd-Stanton, comes an exquisite and heartfelt picture book touching on the bewildering experience of moving house. This beautiful story explores how this can affect a child's sense of belonging, but also how it can open them up to new and wonderful experiences.