Claire Chaubert is an experienced professional homeopath and a qualified midwife. She lives in South East London with her family. Claire has a strong interest in issues relating to women’s health and wellbeing. Anne Hope is an experienced professional homeopath, a psychologist, a university lecturer and a yoga and meditation teacher. In 2003, she moved to the West Country, and she now divides her time running clinics in both London and Devon. Anne and Claire trained together, and have run clinics for women in a variety of settings, including domestic violence refuges and mother and child drug rehabilitation centres, as well as specialist clinics for women’s health, focusing on life development, emotional and hormonal issues, fertility and menopause. They are both registered members of the Society of Homeopaths (RSHom). They run retreats for women in beautiful settings, focusing on fertility; pregnancy; ’wise woman’ workshops; and development for all stages of womanhood. This is their first book in the ’I Wish I’d Known Earlier ...’ series.